Usability refers to how easy it is to use a website. During week 5's lecture, we covered the different guidelines of usability, how to implement them & what users are looking for in a website. Examples of such guidelines are writing 65 words or fewer per paragraph, using fonts that are easy to read such as serif or sans-serif fonts, do not center align or justify text because it makes it harder to read, using proper contrast of colors such as lighter text on a dark background for example white text on a black background, presenting all critical information “above the fold” and others. We also looked at header and navigation conventions. After going through all of that, we revisited the assignment section of the Module Study Guide so that we could have a clear understanding of what is expected of us in the assignment.


Relational databases are more agile and felxible hence we can use joins and sub queries to create more functions that can help us retrieve very specifc information from the database. There are different types of joins namely; equijoin join, algebra join & cartesian join. Others are theta, outer & self joins where a table is joined with itself. On the other hand, we have sub queries which are simply “queries within other queries”. When executing such quries, the sub queries are excuted first before the main query. The are 2 types of sub qeries namely single row & multiple row sub queries. They can be set to return either a single value or multiple values. After we covered all of that, we tried a few queries ourselves so that we could get a better understanding of how to use them and their importance.


During week 5, we looked at the cash flow statement which shows the business's in-flow and out-flow of cash. Using the Accounting equation we can prepare a cash flow statement by categorizing all transaction based on whether they are expenses and revenues of the business. A cash flow statement is used to find the net change in cash in a business. It comprises of operating activites, investing activities & financing activities. After we completed all that, we did some practice questions in order to get a better understanding on how to prepare a proper cash flow statement.

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