During week 4 in DDI, we looked at the sturcture of CSS, how to use it & the main purpose of why we use it. We learned about the 3 types of CSS which are; EXTERNAL CSS which is the most common and flexible, it allows the use of one CSS document in musltiple websites, it is linked to the documents by using a link tag in the head section of the HTML, the 2nd type is EMBEDDED CSS which is directly written in the HTML document of each page using a style tag in the head section of, it is agile because it cannot be used in multiple webpages as it affects the page in which it is written & the 3rd type of CSS is IN-LINE CSS which is written independently in every line of the HTML document, it affects the line in which it is written and nothing else, it is the least favorable type of CSS because it messes the HTML code in every webpage.


For the ISDB module, we covered Normalization which basically refers to checking the states of entities that are to be used in a database. There are 3 stages/forms of normalization, the 1st is 1st normal form which considers all primary keys in the entity, then there is 2nd normal form which considers part key dependencies or composite keys of all attributes to the primary keys & finally, there is the 3rd normal form which considers uniquely identitying each attribute in the entity with a unique primary key that has no part-key dependencies. After going through all three forms of normalization, we had a few practice questions that we worked on in order to help us gain a better a understanding of how to prepare and use normalization tables.


During week 4, we revisited what we covered in week 3 then looked at the income statement. We learned about the use of the income statement, the benefits of preparing it and the consequences of not preparing one properly or at all. We the had a few practice exercises with sample questions providing some basic transaction records which we then used to prepare an income statement so that we had a solid understanding of what, how and why use it. Personally, having gone through something similar during my diploma as well as in o-level in my secondary education, I believe that I have good understanding even though my knowledge is a little bit rusty. However, I am pretty confident that the practice I got during this session has reminded me of what I had forgotten about the income statement and as a result I am more confident now than I was before we went through it.

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