The following are the elements, attributes, rules & or regulations that I have learned so far during the last 2 months since the commencement of this module in web development.
Rules & Regulations:
Following the guidelines to be followed when developing a website, there are a few that I didn't know about or those that I used to practice but couldn't justify the reason why I did so. Such guidelines are header & navigation conventions, use of light text on a dark background or vice versa, avoiding to justify or center paragraphs of text unnecessarily because it makes it harder to read & using images as backgrounds for text hence making the text harder to read are some of the guidelines that I used to practice, however, I couldn't justify the reason behind of doing so. As a result of this module, I now know that I was doing the right thing and I am capable of justify why I am practicing such guidelines whenever I create new webpages, websites or whenever I maintain web content.
One amongst the new things that I learned in this module if the use of readily available websites and web tools that help us validate, test & upload our websites, webapges and files on the internet. Such examples of tools are W3C validator that is used to validate or check the integrity of our code & FileZilla which is used to upload website files such as webpages and media on a server on the internet which is the published so that other users can access your website through its URL.
NB: On overall, over the course of 2 months, I have gained some specific insights in the proper practices of web development which have enlightened and inspired me into becoming not only an efficient and effective web developer but also a keen one who takes into consideration all minor points just like the obvious ones. I intend to take on what I have learned apart from what I already knew, and put them into practice while hoping that this will take me a step closer to becoming an accomplished website developer someday.