Being one if not the only person in class who had finished their assignment for the website development on time, I didn't have much to do in this lecture. The lecturer provided us the time to show him what we ahd done so far so that he could check our progress since the submission was on the weekend of the same week. On my end, I had shown him my complete website since the previous week so I had to show him that day was the documentation which he approved after pointing out that I should add a few things as well as removed and or edit some of the content. To be honest knowing that I was all done was the best feeling considering the fact that there were some students who have no idea how to start the documentation and for others, well, they hadn't even completed their websites yet.


During the guidance week lecture, the lecturer provided us with time to ask questions of what we did not understand so that she could clear it for us. However, in the tutorial session, she planned to talk to us about the exam and perform a complete revision with us but since the assignment submission was due by Friday of that same week and most groups hadn't finished their work, she took the time to guide us through making sure that she provided just the right amount of information without comprising everything. She made sure that every group understood what they were supposed to do and then she gave us the rest of the time to keep working on completing our assignments so that we would be able to submit on time. For our group on the other hand, we had already done about 95% of the assignment which we showed her a few days ago, so during the class, it was just a matter of confirming a few things and clearing any other problems and or faults that we had since we last saw to her.


During the gudiance study week, we conducted a review session where we asked the lecturer about what was troubling us or what we didn't understand from what we covered. On the other hand, he ask gave us an opportunity to check our assignments so that he can confirm on whether or not we were on the right track. On my end, I had started the assignment that he provided but I didn't know what I was supposed to do since it was a bit hard for me. Basically, I did know what was required of me however I had no idea on how to start. So, troubled with this question, I ask the lecturer to clarify for me what I was expected to do and he did just that. From then onwards, it was more or less easy to grasp and get an overall rough idea of what I was expected to do hence I was able to start my assignment with confidence hoping that everything would be workout fine.

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